How to Get Out of Debt by Starting a Business You Love

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How to Get Out of Debt by Starting a Business You Love

I Knew it Was Up to Me

When my husband and I were drowning in debt, I knew that if we wanted our financial situation to get any better, it was up to me.

Bryce was already working up to 70 hours per week. There was no way he could’ve taken on a second job.

I’ve been a stay-at-home mom for almost 14 years. What??? I still can’t believe it. Anyway, I knew that I could create a home business to get my family out of debt, I just didn’t know how.

I was desperate to get out of debt. I knew that if we could be debt-free, we would be more secure, and we could enjoy life without this crushing debt hanging over our heads.

After months and months of searching, I finally figured out what kind of business I wanted to start, and then I did it. And then I worked my butt off. I can sit here today and tell you that I started a home business and paid off all of our debt except our mortgage (working on that part with a twist, but that’s another story).

I know what you’re thinking right now. You’re thinking, “That’s great for you, but I could never do that. I don’t even know what kind of business I’d be good at anyway.”

Well, that’s where you’re wrong. Trust me. If I can do something like this, there’s no reason why you can’t. I’m just like you. Or maybe I’m not.

If you haven’t been around long, let me introduce myself.

  • I’m Kari. I grew up in a small country town with a population of about 4,000. We didn’t even have a stoplight.

  • I fell in love with a boy when I was 16, and when I was 20, I married him.

  • I dropped out of college to plan my wedding, and I never went back.

  • I had my first daughter when I was 21 and became a stay-at-home mom. We now have four daughters.

  • I’ve spent the last 13 years feeling depressed and unfulfilled because I wasn’t contributing to the family financially.

  • I hate housework. I hate cooking. I’m so not stay-at-home material, but here I am crushing it.

  • I suffer from debilitating anxiety attacks, self-doubt, and poor body image. Oh, AND I have celiac disease.

  • From the time I was a little girl until I was 32, I placed a ceiling over me that limited what I was capable of.

  • When I was pregnant with my second daughter, my husband was laid off and we became homeless. We used credit cards and food stamps to buy our groceries.

  • When I was 32, I acknowledged the ceiling I had placed over me and tore it down. That’s when I started to believe I was not only capable but worthy of doing the thing I wanted to do but was afraid to try. Then I tried. And that’s when I started my business.

  • A couple of years later, we became debt-free, and now I teach other moms how to do exactly what I did.

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So that’s who I am. If a college dropout who hasn’t had a real job in over 13 years can do this, so can you. Now we are debt-free, we take vacations, and we are able to save money every month. It’s been an incredible thing for our family.

What Type of Business Should I Start?

Now, when it comes to the type of business you want to start, I know it can be frustrating trying to figure that out. I’ve written a blog post about the different home businesses there are, and I have an e-book that can actually help you figure out which business would be best for you AND give you the steps to take to actually start your business.

I’ve been there, and I’ve done it. I know what it’s like, and I want to help you get your family out of debt by starting a home business you love.

My two most popular products, my How to Start an Online Business Step by Step Workbook and my Debt-Free Budget Planner, can help you get started with coming up with a plan for both your business and your finances. BUT I’m not here to try to talk you into spending any money.

Which is where my FREE Resource Library comes in. It has tons of valuable and free printables, worksheets, and checklists. To take advantage of the free library, subscribe here. You’ll also get free content sent straight to your inbox, and you can unsubscribe at any time.

But I hope you stay! I love getting to know my readers and learning about what they need help with the most when it comes to personal finance and home business.

If you’ve started a home business and got your family out of debt, I’d love to hear about it in the comments below! And don’t forget to share this on Pinterest and other social media by clicking the icons below.

Until next time,

Mom for More. More wealth. More freedom. More peace.

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How to Get Out of Debt by Starting a Business You Love
How to Get Out of Debt by Starting a Business You Love
How to Get Out of Debt by Starting a Business You Love